Monday, 12 November 2018

Year End Gathering Report

Minutes of Storytelling Meeting 7th Nov 2018
Caihui started the meeting and presented the agenda.
She also shared that the programme will now be known as PV reads. The English and MTL storytelling group will also be merged in 2019. This will provide a more seamless platform whereby both groups of PVs can come together to share ideas.
She ended her session with a quote : We may not have it all but we have it all together. 

Sharing by Maria (English Storytelling):
She recapped that at the 1st gathering in 2018, there was no real system but the team has since set up the blog ( – which has all the information on what readers and buddies should take note during the reading sessions.
There was training by NLB in 2018. Going forward, the team will discuss with the teachers on the possibility of having external training for the PVs.
In 2019, It was suggested to have Reading themes that reflects the school’s core values.
Book review : 1 book a term.

Sharing by Verome (MTL session):
She shared that how the PVs have come out of their comfort zone to support the MTL storytelling sessions.
The Malay section is more stable and hopes to influence more Malay readers.

The challenges : Some of the non-MTL students who attend the MTL session have asked the buddies what the story is about as they are unable to understand. Hence, MTL readers can share the books with the buddies so that the buddies know what’s the story is about, before the session.
Verome raised the question of whether there is any NLB training available for MTL readers?
The new librarian is very friendly and approachable. Will she be able to help do crowd control if there is no buddy available?

Sharing by teachers:
Mr Teh & Ms Soh introduced Ms Liya (new librarian) to the team.
The teachers thank the team for their support to the Storytelling sessions. It has been an important programme as some students may not have the opportunity to have parents read to them.

While the MTL session was meant to encourage more MTL readers, the teachers feel that it can also be open to all students. However, the non-MTL readers may not be able to follow the sessions.
So far, the attendance for Malay storytelling session is attended mostly by non-Malay students.
For the Chinese session, the attendance is 50% Chinese and 50% non Chinese students.

After some discussion, the team acknowledges that it is too challenging to have English subtitles for the MTL sessions. The team will explore various options to see which works better.

Feedback and Ideas from members at the Year End Gathering
7 November 2018
10.00 am – 12.00 noon
@ GYPS Library

1.  Kende
2.  Shirley
3.  Didi
4.  Zu
5.  Hsiao Feng
6.  Beatrice
7.  Caihui
8.  Fanny
9.  Li Yuan
10. Lyn
11. Verome
12. Maria

The feedback and sharing based on 2 topics:
  1. What worked?
  2. What could be better?

Member’s Feedback, Sharing and Suggestions:

What Worked?

Feedback and Sharing
The readers are more comfortable with the students throughout the program

The readers are more engaging and interact well with the students

Love the interaction with the children
Blessed to be given the opportunity to led the children explore Malay
Like the opportunity to share Malay’s culture to students from different background

Reliable system of buddies, help to manage the crowd so readers can focus on reading the story 
Great experience and good bonding with the GYPS students

My children enjoy the reading session very much

Asking question, explain words, storyline during the storytelling helps to save time
Hsiao Feng
Smooth system of readers

Buddy’s system is a very good support to manage the crowd

The network between the parents
The PV growing as one happy family through the program

Reader and Buddy System help to run the program more efficient
MTL reading session separate the children from different MTL to share the story in English so they can understand the story
Li Yuan
Love to introduce Chinese festive season
The opportunity to elaborate more about Chinese culture beyond school curriculum

The smile from the children is precious
Highly appreciate the great commitment and extraordinary works from readers and buddies for the children as ONE TEAM.

What Could Be Better?

Suggestions and Ideas
Provide a booklist for Children

Post the weekly booklist at the Library

Conversational session with the students after exam
Provide more dual language books
More rewards to encourage the students: cookies or candies

Provide book list from students
Theme for reading session (e.g. proverbs, synonyms)
Recap what the students have learnt from previous sessions. This is can be done in the ice breaker time by asking question about last week session
Make use of the whiteboard
MTL buddies need to read the book before the session to help to explain the students from different MTL during the reading session

Combine English and MTL chatgroup
2 Reader for 1 book, especially for thick book. It helps to finish the story and help the children to recall the story from previous session
She found books from the school library are dirty
Don’t finish the story and encourage the students to read the book. Provide the book reference number
Suggest the school to allow mothers to do storytelling for the upper primary school due to lack of father PV
The storytelling is on the recess time, time when children having their break from lesson so we need to provide relax environment for the students to listen to the story, do not put strict discipline for them to sit quietly and listen, give the students space to move around

Hsiao Feng
Outdoor reading session at the canteen or the outdoor stage
Invites P5/P6 as readers to give opportunities for the students to develop the storytelling skills

Suggestion for the readers to choose the book earlier
Involve in the Library Week program

Compile the book list

Reading theme according to the school core value: Honesty, Loyalty, Teamwork, Courage, Diligent

MTL reading session separate the students from different MTL and buddy help to share the story in English
Li Yuan
Choose the Chinese story that align with Chinese Textbook
Read the story from Chinese textbook
Integrate textbook material, help students to improve reading comprehension ability
Reader and buddy can discuss and choose book together

Invite more readers and buddies to join the storytelling team
1 word message as moral of the story, for example: diligent, write down in the small piece of paper and flash out every time the story talking about diligent and emphasize the word diligent throughout the reading session and at the end invite the students to say the word together: diligent!

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